With the title “Latest Issues Affecting Shipping”, Mr Joe Angelo, Deputy Managing Director of INTERTANKO and Honorary Member of HELMEPA, presented to Members of the Greek shipping community the current legislation of IMO and its development on issues such as ballast water management, greenhouse
Damen Green Solutions has signed a letter of intent with Norwegian company TeamTec to supply and service the innovative AVITALISTM ballast water treatment system. The system combines filtration and a proven, eco-friendly chemical treatment solution optimised for medium-sized to large vessels. The system is highly effective in water of any salinity, turbidity or temperature.
Alfa Laval continues to move swiftly towards the submission of a US Coast Guard (USCG) type approval application for Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1. The company has performed half of the required land-based tests and is set to conclude the remainder of these within Q2.
Six new bulk carriers being built at Japanese Shipyards, are to be fitted with 12 Wärtsilä Aquarius UV ballast water management systems.
The International Chamber of Shipping has modified its stance towards the ratification by governments of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention.
Hyde Marine, announced it recorded its 400th order for its Hyde GUARDIAN® Ballast Water Treatment System.
Chiefs from IMO & UNDP meet, discussing projects to assist developing countries in implementing international regulations on ballast water.
Japan announced ratification of the ballast water convention, and only 2.98% remains of the 35% global tonnage required to enforce the convention.
Ballast Water Treatment -Damen Has BWT Solutions For Every Vessel Damen started to address the ballast water treatment challenge several years ago, investing in the development of its products and by employing specialists. Subsequently, Damen has established a Ballast Water Centre of Excellence at its headquarters in Gorinchem. With at least 60,000 vessels needing to
Keeping up with new legislation in shipping is a constant challenge for the ship owners and managers. Many say the industry is over regulated and the only benefits are for the equipment manufacturers. A good example is the current ongoing programme of lifeboat hook replacement which is going to cost the industry hundreds of thousands […]