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Education Environmental compliance News

The Crown Estate outlines significant progress in data & evidence programme helping to sustainably accelerate growth of the UK’s world-leading offshore wind industry

The Crown Estate announces significant progress in collating world-class data, evidence and research through the Offshore Wind Evidence and Change programme (OWEC) to help shape and deliver future offshore wind development in a way that protects and helps restore nature and the vital marine
Environmental compliance News

Challenges in implementing environmental compliance measures for the marine resources in developing countries

I. Introduction Environmental compliance measures are crucial for ensuring the sustainable utilisation of these valuable resources. However, developing countries often face significant challenges when it comes to implementing and enforcing environmental compliance measures for their marine resources. This article aims to delve into the obstacles that developing countries
Environmental compliance News

The benefits and challenges of implementing sustainable fishing practices to protect marine ecosystems

Sustainable fishing… Have you ever thought about how much the seafood you consume affects the marine ecosystems around the world? It’s a topic that’s been on the rise in recent years, and for good reason. The fishing industry is a major player in the global economy but is also a significant contributor to environmental damage. […]
Environmental compliance News

Overfishing and Sustainable Fishing Practices: Finding a Balance to Protect Our Oceans and Future Generations

“Fish stocks are declining at an alarming rate, and if we don’t act now, we risk depleting our oceans of their most valuable resource,” warns marine biologist Dr. Sophia Green. “But there are sustainable fishing practices that can help us find a balance between meeting our need for seafood and protecting our oceans for future […]
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Cleaner Seas