The event will feature a broad range of seminars and conferences, where experts share their knowledge and expertise on nagivating the challenges ahead.
It will be one of the first face to face events for the oil spill industry, and it will take measures to create a COVID safe environment, while still being welcoming to visitors, exhibitors, and conference delegates.
The conferences will dive into the main issues facing the shipping industry, with sessions chaired by industry leaders.
All stakeholders gather to exchange research and lessons learned from previous oil spill responses to help move towards a common objective.
In pursuit of safety and efficiency, Maritime CIO Forum aims at helping shipping companies learn new ways to operate their vessels better with digital technology.
There’s a lot of noise in the digital + shipping market. The annual iShipping forum in Copenhagen this September aims to help you get a clearer picture of what is going on – which technology developments you should care most about, or which have the biggest impact on your business.
With topical presentations, panel discussions, Q&A sessions and innovator’s showcase the day is set to be both informative and engaging.
From shipbuilding raw components, electrical systems, deck and safety equipment, port constructions to shipbuilding systems and technology, all maritime related products and services can be found in Marintec China.
Be there when SMM 2020 sets new standards with even more innovations for exhibitors and visitors.
Over 150 global maritime organisations and 65 commercial partners will pledge their support for LISW19 hosting events during the week. These elements ensure LISW is a unique forum.