FUELSAVE’s FS MARINE+ optimises combustion through the dynamic injection of hydrogen, oxygen, water and methanol through the air intake.
The increasing use of green hydrogen forms the basis to cost-competitive synthetic fuels with a zero carbon footprint.
As part of its long-term sustainability strategy, Tufton completed a successful voyage using 100% sustainable marine biofuel in partnership with leading marine biofuels supplier GoodFuels, together with Stolt Tankers and the technical managers Synergy Group, the companies have announced.
The Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association – HELMEPA has joined the Getting to Zero Coalition to further support the maritime industry with decarbonization efforts.
The deal is the single largest order of Silverstream’s proprietary air lubrication system – a major endorsement of the technology as shipping deploys the latest efficiency solutions
AqualisBraemar LOC Group (ABL Group) has been awarded an innovative research and development (R&D) project to develop a green hydrogen production barge under the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition (CMDC).
The technology group Wärtsilä will collaborate with ABS and Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (HZS) to develop a flexible, future-proof, and modular LNG Carrier (LNGC) vessel concept.
The LINCCS project is focused on reducing costs for new carbon storage facilities by 70% and advancing the development of carbon capture technologies in a range of sectors.
According to the latest report from Clarkson Research Services, LNG-fuelled vessel orders are approaching 30% of Gross Tonnage on order, representing a substantial part of shipping’s overall capacity when these vessels are delivered.
PPG Sigma Sailadvance NX coating was specifically developed to provide maximum hull protection and vessel performance in line with the requirements arising from International Maritime Organization (IMO) energy-efficiency measures.