Located at the heart of the US Gulf Coast, the port of Lake Charles is the twelfth busiest port in the USA, according to the US Army Corps of Engineers waterborne statistics, with around 1,000 vessels calling annually.
GAC Qatar is the only company to have been granted a license by the country’s Environment Ministry to operate hull cleaning equipment in its waters.
The impact of the installation of Norsepower’s Rotor Sail solution, including a review of structural reinforcement and visibility calculation, was reviewed using computational-fluid dynamics (CFD) during the joint development project (JDP) - confirming a potential of 6-10% fuel and emissions savings, dependent on operating routes.
About 60 hull cleans have been carried out in the Port of Gibraltar by HullWiper since its launch there in 2017. Growing demand for safe, eco-friendly in-port hull cleans will be met with HullWiper’s Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) operating in the Strait of Gibraltar day or night, quickly, cleanly and efficiently.
AqualisBraemar’s adjusting service specialises in the investigation and resolution of insurance claims and commercial disputes within both the energy (offshore and onshore), power and marine industries.
The big retrofit project, which begun earlier this year, is conducted in connection with the installation of scrubbers at the vessels in question. TMC will provide new marine compressors and air dryers for each of the vessels.
This was the message of the children-representatives of 6,004 members of the “HELMEPA Junior” Program, who came to Athens to celebrate 26 years of “HELMEPA Junior”.
The prolongation of the system is expected to encourage ship registration in Europe, as well as the presence and growth of shipping companies and maritime operations in the EU.
The contract was signed by the two parties at the start of September and, with the vessel already on stock at Damen Shipyards Singapore, it will be delivered this month following finishing and some customisation.
The agreement states that DECKMA HAMBURG GmbH supplies MEMC with product specifications and other sales data, and may, when necessary, be prepared by DECKMA HAMBURG GmbH for use in connection with the sale of its products.