TMC will supply a major marine compressed air system consisting of 4 x working air compressors, 4 x desiccant air dryers, 2 x instrument air compressors and desiccant air dryers, 4 x starting air compressors, 4 x high pressure compressors for the vessel’s tensioning system, plus 4 x high
Together with Frøy Rederi and Møre Maritime, Cflow has designed a new and innovative wellboat concept with several new solutions for the future aquaculture industry. The concept’s primary focus over several years has been maximum fish welfare for a future-oriented and sustainable industry.
Under the contract, TMC will provide a large compressed air system consisting of frequency-controlled instrument air compressors, air compressors, and associated air dryers and filters.
The investment enables Norsepower to scale up production at its manufacturing facilities as part of a next phase of commercialisation triggered by demand for its renewable wind energy propulsion systems.
The custom design project will once again see the UK’s leading engineering design consultancy partner with US shipyard Nichols Brothers Boat Builders (NBBB) and will join the Kitsap Fast Ferry service in Seattle once completed.
Export Credit Norway will provide export financing for six of the seven stern trawlers, at a total loan amount of approximately NOK 500 million, with the Icelandic bank Landsbankinn acting as guarantor for the loans.
Chelsea Technologies, a world leader in the design and manufacture of sensors for the maritime sector, and a Sonardyne company, has announced that its Sea Sentry wash water monitoring system for ship exhaust gas cleaning systems has been awarded type approval by DNV-GL.
27 May 2019 – Keppel Shipyard in Singapore has awarded Norwegian liquid handling and pump specialist PG Flow Solutions a contract to supply high flow seawater pumps to the Gimi FLNG that is being converted at the yard. PG Flow Solutions will deliver four large seawater pumps, each with a capacity of 5,500 cubic metres […]
The conference’s opening included speeches for the prestigious figures participating at the event, mainly for President of the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail, President of World Maritime University WMU, Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, and Minister Fenianos.
The set-up of the office in Shanghai will follow the successful blueprint that TMC has implemented in Busan, South-Korea, and in Singapore, where dedicated local set-ups support the countries’ yards as well as local shipowners and operators.