A campaign launched by ReThink Marketing seeks to demonstrate the aftermath of an oil slick.
A large scale revival plan for the U.S. segment of the Gulf of Mexico coastline has been put together by an alliance of conservation groups.
Despite being a naturally occurring substance, oil spills can pose significant threats to environmental and socioeconomic resources.
The state oil company of Ecuador purchased Elastec/American Marine oil spill response equipment.
Instead of watching helplessly as oil spills destroy the livelihood of its coastal communities, the Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) is being proactive in its defence by investing in two ShipArrestor systems.
When the flow of oil escaping from a sinking ship has stopped the problem may still be only partly solved. The huge costs to the environment and to the polluter and its insurers do not necessarily end just because the containment booms and the clean-up teams have gone. A wreck on the seabed may still […]
Vikoma International Limited is a world leader in the design and manufacture of oil and chemical pollution control systems with a reputation in the global oil spill industry for developing innovative, high performance products to deal with all types of major response scenarios. The company, which provides solutions to over 140 countries, prides itself on […]
Norway is one of the world’s oil producing countries where systems are in place to ensure high-quality emergency oil-spill response. The Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies (NOFO) would like to use the accident in the Gulf of Mexico to further improve this area. Our approach is humble as we are aware that improvements […]
An oil boom is a device used to reduce the consequences of an oil spill on lakes or oceans by collecting, concentrating, guiding, encircling, stopping or absorbing oil floating on the surface. To remove the oil contained by the oil boom, a pump or another type of mechanical device is used to bring the oil […]
The exploration for oil in the Arctic Ocean continues full steam ahead, but there are immense risks to the environment and ecosystems. Demand for oil continues to surge and companies are taking more and more risks. Companies will continue to drill for oil in remote areas, such as the Arctic region, and there are clear and present dangers. That said, […]