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to become a contributor to the Cleaner Seas website!

Are you an author? 

At Cleaner Seas, we offer a number of opportunities for people interested in marine ecology and conservation, innovation and technologyenvironmental compliance, oil spills,  sea wildlife, climate change etc. to share the benefit of their experience through contributed guest content on a wide variety of topics.


We have a rapidly growing social platform and your contribution, if published, will be shared on our Facebook page and Twitter account. Unlike other sites, we don’t mind if your article contains links to your individual blog. If your contributions are regular, we will add you as a featured contributor.

The article has to be unique, well researched  and has to pass copyscape.  If you want to add any images, they have to be royalty-free or owned by you.

To register your interest in becoming a contributor, please complete the form below.  You can also submit a story for consideration.

Maximum file size: 67.11MB


Please note that the management of Cleaner Seas  reserve the right to decide of the publishing of any independent submissions received.

Close up of a woman hands typing in a laptop in a coffee shop terrace in the street


Cleaner Seas