Cyber Security: Digital Ship Cyber Resilience 2018

Digital Ship Press Release:
Building on the great response to the Maritime Cyber Resilience Forums in Rotterdam, Athens and Hamburg in 2017 we are pleased to confirm the next in our series: Digital Ship Cyber Resilience Rotterdam 15 February 2018 and Digital Ship Cyber Resilience Singapore 15 March 2018, during APM.
Cyber security is high on our agenda with ever-increasing threats being proven to disrupt business continuity. Real life examples in the maritime industry, and related sectors; including ports, terminals and the supply chain, clearly demonstrate the impact of cyber-attacks.
An up-to-date insight into the cyber-threat landscape is imperative to protect our business processes and data from attacks, damage or security breaches. Ship operators need to analyse potential risks, explore legal aspects, and incorporate cyber resilience into their daily operations in order to organise business operations to reduce vulnerability.
In this era of the connected ship, with developments such as the cloud, IoT, electronic data exchange in the logistic chain, electronic navigation systems, we rely increasingly on technology, which makes cyber resilience business critical. So, how do we embed this into the maritime organisation, and how do we incorporate cyber security into all our systems and operations? If incidents occur, how do we respond and make the necessary contingency or recovery plans? We will also investigate regulations and guidelines to develop a safe, compliant, cyber capability in shipping.
The human factor is often claimed to be the weakest link. Ship operators need to increase cyber awareness both in the office and on-board. In this Forum, we will discuss ways to mobilise internal commitment, set up training and incorporate cyber awareness into daily procedures.
Cathy Hodge, Director, Digital Ship Events, says; “Cyber threat awareness is growing throughout the maritime sector – recent breaches have ensured that this is now high on the agenda. But there is still a lot of confusion and noise, and our aim through our Cyber Resilience agendas is to cut through this and provide our delegates with a clear view of the risk landscape, as well as the tools to harness resilience and security throughout their operations. APM in Singapore represents the ideal opportunity to share this message with a technically advanced and digital savvy audience of market leading shipping companies and other stakeholders in the supply chain.”
There will be 4 sessions covering key topics:
Session 1: Facing the Cyber Threat: An Overview of Maritime Cyber Challenges and Focus on Building Resilience
- What is the current cyber threat landscape?
- What are the major cybersecurity risks and threats affecting the industry?
- Is cyber the true disruptive innovation in maritime?
- Reviewing the cyber threat across other sectors and lessons learnt.
Session 2: Business Planning and Cyber Preparedness
- Balancing cyber resilience with the business case.
- Best practices – modern connectivity.
- Mitigating risk – Identify, assess, respond.
- Safeguarding cyber security in an increasingly automated world.
Session 3: New Developments in Maritime Cyber Regulations and Guidelines
- Standardising and sharing KPIs and guidelines.
- Legal, financial and insurance implications.
- The implications of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
- The future of cyber reporting.
Session 4: Training, Awareness and the Human Factor
- Turning guidance to training for the shipping industry.
- How to asses and change an organisations behaviour to respond to the cyber threat.
- Mobilising internal commitment on-board and on-shore.
- Incorporating cyber awareness into daily operations and procedures.
For more information on speakers and agendas at each event please contact or visit our website
Here’s what some of our previous delegates have to say about Digital Ship’s global Maritime Cyber Resilience Forums:
“Once again, the event was a great opportunity to meet and discuss some current issues. It was a great day.” Phil Tinsley, Head of Maritime Security, BIMCO
“The conference was valuable to us in three main ways:
- Helping to build an appreciation of the scale and complexity of the maritime cyber threat.
- Emphasising the importance of human factors in tackling many aspects of the threat i.e. through awareness building and training.
- Identifying (and meeting!) many of the external stakeholders who may be able to contribute to addressing
the threat e.g. trade associations, insurance brokers, consultants, academics and solution providers.”
Bill Briggs, Regional Security Advisor, Global Businesses and Functions, BP International Ltd
“Digital Ship’s Cyber conferences are a great way to engage with subject matter and experts in an informed way, without the clutter of smoke and mirrors sales pitches – you get to the heart of the matter quickly.” Andrew Webster, Partner, JLT
“This conference showed the growing attention that the maritime world is paying to the topic of ‘Cyber’, underscoring the need for knowledge and expertise on the topic. The talks were varied and interesting and although the focus was on the risks, it was refreshing to see that there was also time to talk about the opportunities that cyber can provide.”
Edwin Edelenbos, Manager of Innovation, Oceanco
For 17 years, Digital Ship magazine has provided the digital community of the world’s maritime industry with the latest news and developments, including satellite communications, software, navigation, vessel efficiency, cyber security, big data and analytics, to help keep shipping operating with maximum safety, efficiency and crew comfort.
For more information, or enquiries about participation, please contact:
Gabi Weck, Marketing Manager (Rotterdam), Digital Ship
Lyndell Cooks, Marketing Manager (Singapore), Digital Ship
Alternatively visit the website