Events News

Indian Register of Shipping holds Seminar and Industry Interaction on Analysis and Assessment of Mooring Systems

Leading classification society Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) hosted a Seminar and Industry Interaction on Analysis and Assessment of Mooring Systems at its Head Office in Mumbai, as part of its efforts to strengthen its initiatives in this field.

The meet was well-attended by representatives from design firms, marine warranty service providers, Government authorities and other maritime stakeholders. Several presentations related to Mooring activities covered fundamentals of mooring analysis, analysis and assessment of mooring systems and review of mooring analysis reports.

The seminar was well received by the participants and valuable inputs related to review process were received from the industry. The event saw an engaging and interactive Q&A session towards the end of the presentations.

Dr. Asokendu Samanta, Divisional Head of Research and Development Division said “Considering the large number of ongoing offshore activities, mooring is one of the important aspects from the safety standpoint of offshore assets and personnel. Our stakeholders and customers were updated on the significance of analysis and assessment of mooring systems. This meet helped us understand the needs and expectations from the industry. We look forward to collaborating with industry partners to work together on related emerging fields”.

About Indian Register of Shipping

Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) is an international ship classification society providing ship classification and certification as well as technical inspection services. IRS is a Member of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS).

Covering a wide range of shipping, offshore and industrial projects, their team of dedicated professionals brings international standardisation and assurance to your doorstep.

For more information on IRS, please visit:

For further information, please contact:
Chetan Desai, Managing Director, Navigate PR/Helix PR
Tel: +65 8448 3225

Lissa Johari, Account Manager, Navigate PR/Helix PR
Tel: +65 9876 5764

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