Home Introduction

Nowadays environmental issues affect maritime operations more deeply than almost everything else. Marine companies – shipowners, port operators, shipyards, bunker dealers – flout or ignore environmental legislation at their peril.

Cleaner Seas is the only publication that covers the whole range of marine environmental issues and legislation, ranging from matters such as oil pollution prevention to control of funnel emissions and from the dumping of rubbish to use of antifoulings. It is produced with the active assistance and support of the major maritime organisations.

Cleaner Seas has three main objectives:-

  1. To keep shipping decision makers up to date
    with environmental issues.
  2. To inform a wider readership of what action is already being
    taken by shipping to prevent environmental damage.
  3. To project a balanced view of the industry’s environmental record, which is far better than the tabloid press would have us believe.

Cleaner Seas carries news, comment, in depth features and interviews covering a broad spectrum of maritime environmental issues. It approaches these issues with an understanding of shipping and avoids the simplistic gloss of the general media.

Cleaner Seas knows that shipping is an environmentally friendly mode of transport but that it does not mean that it adopts an uncritical approach. Whilst preparing a balanced viewpoint, it also ensures that the industry’s most vociferous critics have their say.

Cleaner Seas distributed to leading shipowners, shipbrokers, P&I Clubs, Ports & Shipyards. In addition, the publication is sent, on a controlled basis, to the major maritime organisations as well as quasi-governmental and governmental institutions. In this way, it is read by politician and lobbyist alike.

Environmental issues are a major topic at virtually all international maritime conferences Cleaner Seas will be much in evidence at these events throughout the calendar year.

Cleaner Seas