Posidonia 2020 1st – 5th June in Athens

In 2020 Posidonia will again take place at the exciting Metropolitan Expo Centre located within the Athens International Airport complex.
This state of the art exhibition centre, the largest exhibition venue in Greece, provides a flexible and functional environment for Posidonia and its exhibitors and visitors, allowing Posidonia and its exhibitors to realize their full potential.
Why Exhibit?
Posidonia provides direct access to Greek shipping and the owners of the largest fleet under the control of any one national group, dominating the newbuilding orderbook and S&P market.
Greek owners are drivers of the world shipping industry. When it comes to Greek shipping, the numbers are always impressive.
As they upgrade and expand their fleets, Greeks continue as leaders in the sale and purchase market and major customers of finance and insurance providers. Expanding and keeping the vast Greek armada operational is a challenge for operators and their service companies on technical, commercial and regulatory fronts.
Posidonia week also includes an extended conference, seminars and technical workshops programme. The popular programme of main conference sessions, focused workshops and seminars will be further developed at Posidonia 2020. Chaired by industry leaders, there will be lively discussion and debate on issues, challenges and opportunities facing the industry.
For the full details of the event, click here.