The Wärtsilä system comes in response to the increasing size of vessels operating on these waters. When entering the locks along the seaway, the clearance for larger vessels is minimal, and the lock entry itself has become increasingly difficult.
The Deutsche Bucht offshore wind farm, owned by Northland Power, will be an impressive wind farm with 33 turbines, situated 95 kilometres northwest of Germany’s Borkum Island.
With the funds raised, Norsepower, whose customers include Maersk Tankers, Viking, Line, and Bore, will be able to expand production of its Rotor Sails in Asia, as well as ramp-up its search for potential supplier partners within the region.
Over the past 40 years, the Earth has already lost half of its wildlife, according to WWF. The planet is in the midst of a 6th mass extinction. But what makes this one worse than the previous 5 mass extinction is that the rate is becoming comparable if not rapid. The growing human population and their increasing demand for resources has cost the lives of tens of thousands
Good news for the bats and some marine species because the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) has recently granted them protected status. During the 12th Conference of the Parties (COP 12) that was held in Manila, protections for migratory bats, angelsharks, blue sharks, dusky sharks, guitarfish, white spotted wedgefish and whale sharks, among others were awarded
With the call to fight against climate change and all the efforts to go green, there’s a need for the maritime industry to look beyond conventional fuels. This is especially true with environmental regulations becoming stricter than ever.
Last year, three emission-controlled areas were established in China - the Yangtze River delta, Bohai Bay, and the Pearl River Delta. All vessels entering or operating within these parts are subject to the new regulations which specify that they must use fuel with low-sulfur content while berthed at major ports found within the specified areas.
Modern-day pirates may not wear an eye patch or wave a sword in your face, but they are more real and more dangerous than any of the fictional characters we’ve grown to love as children. Nothing about the sea pirates of today is lovable. The only thing they invoke is fear, and to anyone who's become their victim – post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Some common questions about the use of algae as an alternative biofuel source.
Since its inception, Earth Day has become a substantial part of the modern environmental movement. Bringing the world together for environmental change.