Under the frame agreement, which is valid for two years, Hydroniq Coolers will supply its Pleat seawater cooler to any new vessels in PSA Marine’s fleet.
The Merger will better position Clean Marine to fulfil the needs of its customers and meet the rising demand for EGCS following the implementation of the new limits on sulphur emissions that come into effect on January 1, 2020.
The contract was signed by the two parties at the start of September and, with the vessel already on stock at Damen Shipyards Singapore, it will be delivered this month following finishing and some customisation.
Hydroniq Coolers will equip the wellboat with its Rack seawater cooling system. The Rack seawater cooler differs from other cooling systems as it is integrated in the hull below the vessel’s main engine room, which frees up valuable space in the engine room.
There’s a lot of noise in the digital + shipping market. The annual iShipping forum in Copenhagen this September aims to help you get a clearer picture of what is going on – which technology developments you should care most about, or which have the biggest impact on your business.
Under the contract, Norwegian liquid handling and pump specialist PG Flow Solutions will supply a comprehensive hydraulically driven cargo system with pumps, mud agitators, hydraulic power pack and control system to each of the two vessels.
With topical presentations, panel discussions, Q&A sessions and innovator’s showcase the day is set to be both informative and engaging.
Under the contract, TMC will provide a large compressed air system consisting of frequency-controlled instrument air compressors, air compressors, and associated air dryers and filters.
The investment enables Norsepower to scale up production at its manufacturing facilities as part of a next phase of commercialisation triggered by demand for its renewable wind energy propulsion systems.
From shipbuilding raw components, electrical systems, deck and safety equipment, port constructions to shipbuilding systems and technology, all maritime related products and services can be found in Marintec China.