Vikoma International Limited is a world leader in the design and manufacture of oil and chemical pollution control systems with a reputation in the global oil spill industry for developing innovative, high performance products to deal with all types of major response scenarios. The company,
The exploration for oil in the Arctic Ocean continues full steam ahead, but there are immense risks to the environment and ecosystems. Demand for oil continues to surge and companies are taking more and more risks. Companies will continue to drill for oil in remote areas, such as the Arctic region, and there are clear and present dangers. That said, […]
The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF) is a not-for-profit organisation involved in all aspects of effective response of ship-source spills in the marine environment. Over the past 40 years, ITOPF’s technical team of marine biologists, physicists, engineers and chemists has acquired unparalleled spill response experience and expertise by attending